Branding myself.

Actually found it quite difficult to brand the one thing I know the absolute most about in this life: Myself.
Who am I and what values do I hold?

With a lot of adjectives I saw a direction I wanted to head. Something funny, yet professional.
My name.

Since I am branding _myself_, I thought my name would be a good place to begin. Lucky enough as I am, I behold a Norwegian surname "Fugleberg" meaning "Bird Mountain". Extremely visual. A gift given a designer.
Also I kind of related to the little bird-guy.
Font choice

As mentioned here, where the usage of the font will be was important for my font choice.
Colour choice

I'm a fan of clean, simple design, but that's not everything I am. Blue has always been my favourite. In every shade. And what's the best colour to mix blue with? Complimentary orange of course. These colours may change throughout as my design and style changes, but it's a place to begin.
The logo.

So my name means "Bird" we know that now. And the S combinded with the F sort of created this bird-looking abstract figure. But not too obvious though, that was important to me.
The mountains

I really wanted the mountains to be something quite abstract. It reminds me of several things (as mentioned above), but now as I look at it it could also be a shell, or waves in the ocean.
The bird

Took the bird further, and added "The mountains" onto his belly.
Everything placed together.

OBS! The profile is just a first draft as I'm applying it onto my portfolio, website and applications :D
Branding of myself

Branding of myself
